Línea Y Contorno de Un Abismo

A performance around the literary universe of the Ecuadorian writer Pablo PalaciO (1906-1946)
A production of FIALV, Festival Internacional de Artes Vivas Loja - Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonia del Ecuador, in collaboration with CND Compañía Nacional de Danza del Ecuador.
Premier at FIAVL 2018, Teatro Bemjamin Carrión de Loja, November 2018.

“An intimate reading of a particular scripture: the work of Pablo Palacio. The Ecuadorian author exalts the human and attempts against the established;It suggests that reality could be another. Perseveres to describe the collective as empowerment of humanity, both in the ability to transform and to destroy. Understands human miseries in incontinent but particular situations. His characters live on the edge of an abyss, neither heroic nor romantic, exalting the domestic and the wild, between desire and action. Palace, a man of multiple edges, does not contemplate the duality from the simple oneness of the things, it values it from a chaotic communion. In this staging, the dancers lend their soul and voice to write a visual poetry oneiric and symbolic, as true and crude as the work of Palacio. Before this encounter between page and subject I surrender to the immensity of his work, of its senses, of its perfect disorder “.
— Laura Aris

Concept y direction: Laura Aris
Created & performed by: Darwin Alarcón, Luis Miguel Cajiao, Luis Cifuentes, Vilmedis Cobas, Fernando Cruz, Camila Enríquez, Franklin Mena, Sisa Madrid, María José Núñez, Lizeth Samaniego, Yulia Vidal, Catalina Villagómez y Eliana Zambrano
Original music composition and performed by: Rodrigo Becerra
Director’s assistant: Cristina Baquerizo
Stage designer: Alicia Herrera y Laura Aris
Costume designer: Lila Penagos
Light designer: Gerson Guerra
Rehearsal director of CND and visuals technical support: Jorge Alcolea
Technical support CND: Diego Mantilla , Sylvia Tello.
Technical support for scenography: Fernando Cacuango Carvajal, Joao César Gerrón Ciro.
Costume designer assistant: Dario Laz
Costume making: Elena Tufíno
Graphic designer & Photos: José Toral

During the show sounds "Carnaval de Guaranda", performed by the Band Orchestra of the Municipality of the Canton of Guaranda, an adaptation of the song "All the Light is Gone" by Moanin 'hour, and the arullo "A boy cries in the mountains of Maria".

Artistic residences preparation of the Line and Contour of an Abyss commission: Hellerau -European Center for the Arts Dresden (Germany) in July 2018, Toronto International Summer Intensive (Canada) August 2018.

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